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Annual Marine Propulsion Expo 2023

After 30 years the Annual Convention is now the Annual Marine Propulsion Expo!

If you’re a ‘true propeller pro’ or you’re in the business of boat propulsion systems, whether engines, thrusters, shafts or hydraulics this event will be where you want to showcase your new products and technology for the coming year. The Annual Marine Propulsion Expo scheduled for December 7 – 10, 2023 will be where companies that repair, manufacture, or sell boat propellers and other propulsion systems, parts or technology will gather to showcase their products. Like its predecessor event, the Expo will also be a hub for professional knowledge sharing, technical seminars and the forum for the latest information on propellers, engines and other propulsion systems.

For Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities click below, give us a call at 954-880-3588 to discuss, or send an email to info@nmpa.net.

Industry attendee registration information and details on Expo consumer days will be announced soon.

Quick Links:

Event Schedule:

The Annual Marine Propulsion Expo is a first-class professional trade show, an educational convention that delivers essential knowledge and a consumer product exposition showcasing the latest and most advanced technology in the propulsion field. It incorporates business-to-business networking events with social engagements, training seminars and a consumer products show.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
6:00pm –
NMPA Industry Welcome Reception

  • President’s Welcome and Event Schedule
  • Sponsor and Exhibitor recognition
  • Cocktails and Networking
Friday, December 8, 2023
8:00am – 10:00am NMPA President’s Industry Breakfast

  • President’s Welcome Remarks
  • Keynote Address-1 – Phil Purcell, President/CEO, Marine Industries Association of South Florida
  • Keynote Address-2 – Greg Sharrow, President, Sharrow Marine
10:00am – 10:15am Break: Member Networking
10:15am – 11:00am

Session 1: (Room # 208)

How Propellers Generate Noise and Vibration
This presentation is intended to be a “practical primer” about propeller-generated noise and vibration – the not-so-hidden consequence of the useful forces that push and maneuver a boat. Propellers are just one player in the three-part harmony that make up the “hydroacoustic” system of Formation-Transmission-Response. Join HydroComp’s Jonas Armstrong for an introduction into how propellers generate noise and vibration, the mechanisms of noise transmission and response, and some suggestions for mitigation.


Jonas Armstrong, Naval Architect, HydroComp, Inc.
11:15am – 12:00pm

Session 2: (Room # 208)

High Speed Vibration, Leaking Shaft Seals, and Premature Cutless Bearing Wear: Is There An Overlooked Common Denominator?
Boaters, boat repairers, propeller and propulsion systems professionals alike have enountered high speed vibration, leaking shaft seals, and premature cutless bearing wear. While sometime the reason and the problem are clear, there may be an underlying common cause to these problems that is being overlooked. This presentation will consider the possibility of a common denominator that may be being overlooked and the solutions professionals should be ready to use.


Jonathan Lucco, VP, Isoflex Technologies International
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch
1:15pm – 2:00pm Session 3: (Room #208) Technology, a False Sense of Seaworthiness, or a Formula for Expensive Failures?
Two decades ago, a 35-foot center console boat, priced under $100,000, was considered substantial. If damaged, local marine assistance towed it, and repairs, including fresh bottom paint, cost around $8,000. Today, 45-footers with million-dollar values abound. Despite similarities in accidents, modern boats face harsher judgments. Four experts, including a manufacturer’s representative, may declare a total loss, reducing a million-dollar vessel to scrap value. Contemporary boats boast technological sophistication, resembling cars with powerful yet compact propulsion systems. Despite the allure, this complexity raises questions about safety, repairability, and the consequences of malfunctions. This presentation delves into the challenges and concerns surrounding the technology of modern recreational boats, exploring whether technology is a foe or friend, its repairability, and safety after maintenance.
Presenter Capt. Christopher Karentz / S-E-A Ltd.
Senior Maritime Consultant
Session 4: (Room #208) Comparing Vessel Performance Using Data
2:15pm – 3:00pm Vessel performance evaluation hinges on its intended purpose and desirable characteristics, involving engineering tradeoffs such as speed, range, acceleration, and environmental impact. Testing must align with the vessel’s purpose, considering factors like propulsion components, trim, stabilizers, and environmental conditions. Often, sea trials overlook some factors, which may be acceptable in general cases but not when assessing modifications’ impact. Due to each vessel’s unique purpose and influencing factors, reliable testing demands a tailored data collection system and meticulous analysis. This presentation explores considerations for such testing, emphasizing the need for comprehensive analysis to gauge the impact of modifications on vessel performance.


Bryan R. Emond / S-E-A Ltd.
Discipline Lead, Maritime / Senior Project Engineer
3:00pm – 5:00pm Session 5:(Palm B) TrueProp Software Computerized Properller Inspection
Join TrueProp Software for a live demonstration of computerized propeller inspection, including new methods to digitally inspect propellers almost anywhere. This interactive seminar includes scanning propellers with digital pitchometers as well as hand-held 3D scanners. TrueProp will guide users through the inspection process to show how damage is identified and how it can be repaired. TrueProp will also be debuting a new to the industry computerized propeller inspection device. This new “kit” based pitchometer system is easy to ship and setup, allowing propeller shops to start running ISO-484 inspections on propellers up to 48 inches. Come get your questions answered and see the latest generation in prop measurement technology!
Presenter Adam Kaplan, HydroComp/TrueProp
5:00pm – 7:00pm NMPA Marine Industry Cocktail Hour & Propulsion Expo Exhibitor Preview (RSVP Required)
Saturday, December 9, 2023
8:00am – 10:00am NMPA Propulsion Awards & Annual Meeting

  • President’s Welcome Remarks & Association Update
  • NMPA Membership Health Insurance & Retirement Benefits Update
    – Lisa Samuels & Kelly Spencer, T.Spencer, Samuels Insurance & Financial Services
  • NMPA Inaugural Awards of Excellence Presentations
  • Annual Board of Director Elections
10:00am – 3:00pm

Annual Marine Propulsion Expo: Consumer Days

3:00pm – 5:00pm Expo Attendee Field Trip/Shop Tour – Frank & Jimmie’s Propeller
FJ Propeller has one of the largest repair facilities in our business where the luxury yacht market requires high quality repairs & modifications to be performed. Our shop layout and equipment allow us to process efficiently a high volume of work to demanding quality levels. Demonstration of how we have developed and utilize non-contact, 3D scanning technology into our business. Refreshments to follow tour hosted by FJ Propeller and PropSpeed.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
10:00am – 3:00pm

Annual Marine Propulsion Expo: Consumer Days


The AMPE is an industry trade and consumer event and open to members of the National Marine Propeller Association and marine industry businesses that manufacture, sell, service products and offers technology for boat propulsion systems. It is also open to the general public on Consumer Days. Admission and registration fees apply.

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