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10th Annual Chasentailz KDW Fishing Tournament

ChaseNTailz Foundation

Chasentailz is a tax exempt nonprofit dedicated to changing the lives of needy families with children battling life threatening illnesses. This organization changes lives by relieving financial stress to provide families more time to create forever memories with their children and connects them with other families / resources.




Save the Dates:  Aug 22nd & 24th 2024

Captains Meeting is Aug 22nd 6pm at Harbourside Place – Catered by Tommy Bahama

Weigh opens 2pm Aug 24th at Harbourside Place and awards starts 6:15pm


Tournament Entry Fee – Includes 6 Anglers excluding females and Juniors

Early Entry $225
Late Entry – $325 AFTER 8/18/2024

To register online for the 10th Annual ChaseN’Tailz Fishing Tournament, please add this item to your “basket” in the online shop and continue through the checkout process filling out all required information. This information includes the following:

  1. Captain Name
  2. Captain Shirt Size
  3. Team Name
  4. Boat Information (Model and Length)
  5.  SKA Member?
  6.  Small Boat – Under 400hp

First 150 boats registered and paid will receive a Captain’s Bucket and T Shirt! The Chasentailz KDW Fishing Tournament Captains Meeting will be Aug 22nd 6pm at Harbourside Place.

Now that you know the rules, get your friends and family together for a great day of fishing and entertainment to help support needy families that have children with life threatening illnesses.

Tournament Contact Information

Summer Warren
Director of ChaseN’Tailz Fishing Tournament



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