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Florida Keys PBA Dolphin Tournament 2024

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June 28th, 2024

Cash Bar, Light Food & Announcements


6:00 PM

Oceans Edge Resort & Marina


June 29th, 2024

Lines In 7:30am

Lines Out 4:00pm

Weigh In 4:00-6:00pm

June 30th, 2024

Lines In 7:30am

Lines Out 3:30pm

Weigh In 3:30-5:00pm

Oceans Edge Resort & Marina


June 30th, 2024

Cocktail Hour 5:00pm

Dinner & Awards 6:00pm

Oceans Edge Resort & Marina

Dinner provided by Catered Affairs

Florida Keys PBA Dolphin Tournament Fishing Information and Rules

  • Captain’s Meeting will be held at Oceans Edge Resort and Marina, 5950 Peninsular Ave, on June 28, 2024 at 6:00 pm 
  • Tournament fishing Dates: June 29th and 30th, 2024
  • Saturday, June 29th, lines in at 7:30 am and Sunday, June 30th lines in at 7:30 am. 
  • Weigh Station @ Ocean’s Edge Marina and is open from 4:00pm-6:00pm Saturday & 3:30pm-5:00pm on Sunday.  If you are not in line to weigh at closing, your fish will be disqualified. Weigh-in may be by vehicle or boat.
  • IGFA RULES APPLY: The angler credited with a catch in tournament scoring must have hooked and played the fish to boat-side personally, without assistance. Normal sport fishing practices for landing a fish (e.g. gaffing or landing nets) may be assisted. Fish must be hooked and landed on a single rod and reel. (Braid line is permitted)
  • SCORING:  One fish may only be scored in one category.  All scoring in the tournament is based on the weight of a single fish entered by registered boats. A boat may place in more than one category if more than one qualifying fish has been landed.  A boat may improve its standing with a subsequent entry at any time prior to the close of weigh ins.
  • In The event of an exact tie in weight, winners will be determined by the time of sign-in at weigh in.
  • Fishing Boundaries: Vessels must depart & return from Monroe County and fish in US waters (EEZ, Bahamas & Cuba off limits)
  • Any changes to your Registration Form can be made prior to start of the Tournament via email at KeysPBADolphinTournament@gmail.com
  • POLYGRAPH: All winning teams may be subject to and must pass polygraph testing. Refusal to take the test will result in disqualification. Any person aboard the boat also may be subject to and must pass the polygraph test. Refusal to take the test will result in disqualification.  Anyone who is subject to a polygraph and is under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disqualified. Polygraph tests will include but will not be limited to questions on angling and landing procedures and species of fish. Polygraph tests are final, and winners are not official until test results are obtained.  Winning vessels may also be subject to a search of the chart plotters on board the vessel to verify the rules were adhered to. (Polygraph may be substituted by a CVSA exam.
  • All protests must be in writing and submitted to the Tournament Coordinator Frank Betz or his designee on the day of the alleged violation by 6:00 p.m. with a deposit of $500.00. If the alleged violation is found to have occurred, the deposit of $500.00 will be refunded. If the Rules Committee finds no violation, the deposit will not be refunded. The decision of the Rules Committee will be final.
  • PRIZES:  Prizes Winners must be present to win prizes at the time of the awards ceremony. In the event of an extreme hardship, the tournament board may permit prizes to be claimed by a representative of the winner. Prizes not claimed in accordance with these rules remain property of the tournament.
  • LIABILITY: All entrants participate in the tournament at their own risk. Florida Keys PBA Dolphin Tournament, The Love Fund, Inc, Tournament Staff, Ocean’s Edge Resort and Marina, Tournament Sponsors, and all other persons directly or indirectly connected with the operation of the tournament are exempt from any liability for loss, damage, injury, negligence, or harm to any entrant, their companions or other participants, boat captains, crew members, vessels, or equipment which may occur during the tournament.
  • RULINGS AND RULES COMPLIANCE: Rules violations, the eligibility of entrants or entered fish, disqualifications, and any other matters not specifically covered by these rules will be decided by the Tournament Judge in consultation with the Tournament staff.
  • ENTRY FEES: Entry fees for the Florida Keys PBA Dolphin Tournament are as follows: Early Registration: Boat $450; Late Registration: on or after June 3rd Boat $550. Registration includes up to 4 anglers.  Registration fees include 4 Awards ceremony & Captain’s meeting tickets and 4 tournament shirts. Extra shirts will be available to purchase. Captain’s may add up to two additional anglers (total of 6 per boat) for an additional $125 per angler (price includes shirts and awards ceremony tickets). If a vessel is operated by a non-angling Captain, the Captain is not counted towards the 6 per boat maximum.
  • WEATHER CONTINGENCY: The tournament will not be canceled due to weather or sea conditions. Entry fees are non-refundable. If a named storm interrupts tournament weekend all collected registration fees will be applied towards the following year’s tournament.
  • SAFETY AND CONDUCT: Participants are expected to follow all applicable laws and rules for safe boating, including those regarding USCG equipment requirements. Participants are expected to follow all applicable laws pertaining to the taking of marine fish. Participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship and courtesy. Any participant who exhibits threatening behavior or who otherwise engages in disorderly, illegal or improper conduct of any kind is subject to immediate disqualification from the Tournament. Willful violations of marine laws or other violations of safe and proper conduct may lead to disqualification. Fishing must be performed in accordance with principles of good sportsmanship, and in compliance with these and IGFA rules as published in the IGFA World Record Game Fish book under “International Angling Rules.” Florida Keys PBA tournament rules will be strictly adhered to, and all decisions of the Tournament Director will be final. Any angler(s), captain(s), or mate(s) found to be in any violation of any tournament rule may be disqualified from this tournament.8


1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Prize based on number of tournament entries

1st Place – $5000-$15000

2nd Place – $2500-$7000

3rd Place – $1000-$4000

4th Place – $500-$2000



Plus bragging rights


$750 – $1500

Plus you are a badass!


$400 – $1000






Your fishing tournament organizers are of course delighted for another opportunity to trade in their weekend to-do list for a chance to get out there for a weekend of fishing. After participating in many Dolphin Tournaments during the Mahi Mahi fishing season, adding another one to the fold seemed like a no brainer, especially if it is one that helps the local Florida Keys community. The goal is not to take away from the existing seasons tournaments, as they will still be fishing those, of course! It will be an honor to add to the line-up of South Florida fishing tournaments and make an impact on the community, especially this year.



This fishing tournament is being hosted by volunteers on behalf of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association Florida Keys Membership. Proceeds for the 2022 Florida Keys PBA Dolphin Tournament will primarily benefit the Autism Society of the Keys and also the Love Fund, Inc., both federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organizations.

Autism Society of the Keys (ASK) is a local nonprofit 501c3 organization. The organization was created by founder and executive director Jill Campbell. The ASK mission is to help improve the lives of those affected, and their families, with autism. Jill Campbell and her husband Craig created ASK shortly after their own son was diagnosed at 2 years old. The Campbells saw that there was a lack of resources and support and created the nonprofit in 2008.  Autism is the greatest child health epidemic there is, with 1 in 50 children being diagnosed. That’s more than diabetes, leukemia, down syndrome, and aids combined. ASK helps families by providing support meetings thought out the Keys. These meetings provide families an opportunity to come together, get education from guests speakers and share their experiences. ASK also provides financial assistance. ASK accepts applications based on the needs of each individual family. Autism is different for each family, depending on things like age, severity, support and resources available. ASK has helped families with items such as: insurance deductibles, therapies, sensory items, advocate’s, swimming lessons, car seats, iPads and devices. Currently ASK has also been providing sensory boxes to all emergency personnel including KWPD, Monroe County Sheriffs Office and both county and city fire departments. The sensory boxes are hand delivered along with a brief introduction to the personnel on what autism is and how to use the boxes. The boxes are compact boxes that contain items such as headphones (noise), dry erase board (non verbal), miniature timers (transition), sensory items and other items that can help calm a child involved in an emergency. Although any child can benefit from the box, the box has specifically hand picked items to help those affected with autism. You can find more information about ASK or make a donation by contacting Jill Campbell at 305.942.5172. Emailing AutismSocietyoftheKeys@gmail.com. They are also on Facebook at Autism Society of the Keys.

The Love Fund was established in 1984 to assist in the time of extreme need to those families of officers killed or injured in the line of duty.


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