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Key West Gator Club Dolphin Derby 2024

Key West Gator Club Dolphin Derby

Key West Dolphin Derby Offering $15,000 in Cash Prizes

KEY WEST, Florida Keys — Anglers aiming to catch dolphin fish can vie for $15,000 in guaranteed cash prizes at the Key West Gator Club Dolphin Derby. The tournament, making a comeback after a long break, is set for Friday through Sunday, June 21-23, during the peak of the Florida Keys dolphin fishing season.

Event Headquarters: Beachside Resort & Residences, 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd.

The team that weighs in the heaviest dolphin fish over the two fishing days will win the grand prize of $5,000. The second-place team will receive $3,000, and the third-place team will earn $2,000, with prizes awarded through fifth place.

The top lady angler and top junior angler will each win $1,000. Cash prizes will also be given to the second- and third-place finishers in these divisions.

The event begins with final registration, a reception, and a captains meeting at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 21, at Beachside Resort.

Fishing hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, with weigh-ins until 5:30 p.m. each day at Beachside. Each team can enter one qualifying fish per day in each division. Fish entered in the lady angler and junior angler divisions can also compete in the overall division.

Entry Fees: $500 per team of up to four anglers until June 7, 2024. After this date, the fee increases to $700.

All proceeds benefit Gator Club scholarship funds for University of Florida students who graduated from Key West High School.

For derby information and registration, contact kwgatorclub@outlook.com, AJ Davila at 305-393-6675, or follow @kwgatorclubdolphinderby on Facebook. More details can be found on the Key West Gator Club homepage.

Ahoy, fellow anglers! We’re thrilled to announce the details for this year’s Key West Gator Club Dolphin Derby. Get ready for a fantastic weekend of fishing, camaraderie, and competition. Here’s everything you need to know:

Captain’s Meeting: June 21, 2024

The excitement kicks off with our Captain’s Meeting on June 21, 2024. It’s crucial for a representative from each team to be present. This meeting will cover all essential information and ensure everyone is on the same page for the tournament. The “captains meeting” is at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 21, at Beachside Resort.

Fishing Dates: June 22 & 23, 2024

Our tournament fishing days are set for June 22 & 23, 2024. Prepare your gear, gather your team, and get ready to reel in some big catches!Fishing hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, with weigh-ins until 5:30 p.m. each day at Beachside.

Entry Forms: Early Discount Available

To participate, all anglers must complete their entry forms. The tournament officials reserve the right to refuse applications or entry at their discretion, so make sure everything is filled out correctly. Take advantage of the early bird entry fee of $500 if you register by June 7, 2024. After this date, the fee will increase to $700.

Angler Registration: Unlimited Entries

Each boat can register as many anglers as they wish. The tournament entry includes registration for 4 anglers, with the option to add more for $100 each. Ensure all anglers are listed on your registration forms, and notify the officials of any changes before fishing begins. All participants must have a valid Florida fishing license. Don’t forget, there are special prizes for junior anglers aged 16 and under!

Weigh Station Protocols

Weighing your catch is an essential part of the competition. All boats with fish to weigh must check in with the tournament committee at Beachside Resort. The scales will be open from 4:00 p.m. Any boats not checked in by 5:00 p.m. will unfortunately be disqualified. If there’s a line, make sure you receive verbal confirmation of your check-in. Please be considerate of other teams and keep the music volume low. After weighing in, promptly move your boat off the dock.

Fish can be brought to the scales either by boat or vehicle. Our tournament officials will inspect all fish for any signs of cheating. Only fish weighed by a registered team member who fished that day will be accepted. Remember, no rotten or mutilated fish will be allowed.



All proceeds are to benefit Gator Club scholarship funds for University of Florida students who graduated from Key West High School.

Derby information and registration: kwgatorclub@outlook.com, AJ Davila at 305-393-6675 or @kwgatorclubdolphinderby on Instagram.

We can’t wait to see you all there, ready to make this year’s Dolphin Derby a memorable event! Tight lines and good luck to everyone participating!


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