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Take a Warrior Fishing – Redfish & Snook Challenge | Bradenton, Florida

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Take a Warrior Fishing – Redfish & Snook Challenge – Bradenton

September 21st 2024
Warriors on the Water presents the second annual Take a Warrior Fishing – Redfish & Snook Challenge

Hosted in Bradenton at Swordfish Grill

Captains Meeting at Hooters Bradenton on 9/21/24 starting at 6pm for the Inshore Division & 7pm for the Offshore Division

Join us for an opportunity to give back and get some Veterans out fishing for the day!

All proceeds benefit Warriors on the Water 501(c)(3) and help us serve our mission of facilitating and funding a positive outlet for veterans within nature and one of a kind charter fishing experiences.

Entry Fees
Inshore $250 — Kayak – $100 — Offshore – $350 – For the Inshore & Offshore Division Teams that have a Veteran or Service member on their team will save $50 on registration
Inshore & Kayak Division winner will be determined by the most points accumulated prior to check in at 6pm on 9/21/24 at Swordfish Grill – 2 eligible species for points are Redfish & Snook . Submit up to 3 slot fish per species, points can be awarded for up to 5 underslot & 3 overslot fish.

Offshore Division winner will be determined by the heaviest 2 fish aggregate consisting of a Mangrove Snapper & Red Snapper.

Submitting Fish for points
-Take photo with fish on top of the ruler, pinched tail method will be used to qualify for points, use close up and video whole fish and hold over end of the tail

-Include boat number in the photo and video

-Take continuous video of fish on ruler to record final measurement

-Submit post on Instagram and tag @tawf_redfishandsnookchallenge

-Tally up your points and winners points will be verified at the check at Check in

-Only Redfish & Snook qualify for points for main prize

-Highly encourage photographing all qualifying fish for points, closes ups and video of the fish from head to tail, hold over the tail for good measurement

-Must have video release of all fish.

-Final submission for points will end at 6pm

-All division payouts will be kept separate – Kayaks can not compete for the same prize as outboard division, because of the price difference in entry fee.

-If there is a tie in points, winner will be determined by first to have registered.

-If a fish measures less than .5 will be rounded down to the nearest inch, if a fish measures .5 or greater it will be rounded up to the nearest inch.