
Florida Saltwater Fishing Regulations

Florida Pompano: Trachinotus carolinus

Minimum Size Limit: 11″ fork length
Daily Bag Limit: 6 per harvester
Season: Open year-round
Gear: Hook and line, cast net and beach or haul seine only
Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.

Pompano Endorsement Zone (PEZ) The Pompano Endorsement Zone (PEZ)  is a zone created that allows commercial fishermen who hold a pompano endorsement (PE) to use gill nets legally for pompano in federal waters off Florida. This zone is from federal waters lying between 25°09′ North Latitude (Cape Sable) and 26°00′ North Latitude (Hurricane Pass in Collier County) in the Gulf of Mexico.

African Pompano: Alectis ciliaris

Minimum Size Limit: 24″ fork length
Daily Bag Limit: 2 per harvester
Vessel Limit: No more than 2 per vessel
Season: Open year-round
State waters: Hook and line only.
Federal waters: Hook and line and spearing.
Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.

Permit: Trachinotus falcatus

Special Permit Zone (SPZ) The Special Permit Zone includes state and adjacent federal waters south of a line running due east from Cape Florida in the Atlantic at 25° 40′ North Latitude, waters of Biscayne Bay south of Rickenbacker Causeway, and south of a line just south of Cape Sable running due west through federal waters at 25° 09′ North Latitude.   
Minimum Size Limit: 22″ fork length
Daily Bag Limit: 1 per harvester
Vessel Limit: No more than 2 per vessel
Season: Closed April 1-July 31
– State waters: Hook and line only.
– Federal waters: Hook and line and spearing.


Permit vs Pompano: Can you tell the difference?

pompano endorsement zone
pompano endorsement zone

The Secrets of Permit Fishing

Permit fishing in the warm, calm waters of Florida, particularly during summer, is an angler’s delight. Imagine a serene day out on a Sea Fox Boat from Black Label Marine Group, cruising the waters of Ft. Lauderdale in search of the elusive permit.

Channel Edges: Prime Spots for Permit

Fishing near channel edges, especially aboard a robust Caymas boat from Black Label Marine Group’s impressive lineup, is an ideal strategy for sighting and casting to permit. These locations, influenced by the tide, often provide the perfect setting for these elusive fish.

The Art of Catching Permit: Focus and Finesse

Even for the casual angler, the sight of a permit can be thrilling yet challenging. The secret lies in adapting to the precision required – from tackle preparation to presentation. Understanding these nuances is essential for success in permit fishing.

Locating Permit in Florida Waters

Identifying Prime Permit Habitats

From the shallows of the Florida Keys to the deeper waters, finding permit involves understanding their preference for areas with current. Locations with ripples, seams, and varied water textures are often the habitats of choice for these fish.

A Diverse Range of Habitats

Permit in Florida are not limited to one type of environment. They’re found near inlets, deep reefs, and wrecks, displaying versatility in their habitats. This diversity demands a versatile approach, much like the range of boats offered by Black Label Marine Group, suitable for various water conditions.

Tactics and Baits for Successful Permit Fishing

Mastering the Right Approach

Effective permit fishing requires a strategic approach, especially in shallower waters. The key is in mastering water displacement and out-of-water vision to avoid startling these sensitive fish. A steady hand and careful movements are key, whether you’re on a boat or wading in the shallows.

The Prime Baits: Crabs and Shrimp

The ultimate bait for permit is a lively crab, perfectly presented in their line of sight. In situations where they are tailing or mudding, sinking baits like crabs, shrimp, or jigs become irresistible to them. The right bait and presentation can make all the difference.

When to Fish for Permit

Heat: An Ally in Permit Fishing

Permit thrive in warm waters, making them a unique species that favors hot conditions. Understanding this behavior can significantly increase the chances of a successful catch, especially during Florida’s warmer months.

Fly Fishing Techniques for Permit

The Challenge and Reward of Fly Fishing for Permit

Fly fishing for permit is a skillful endeavor, requiring precision and the right equipment. Successful fly fishing is less about luck and more about accuracy and practice. Regular practice and understanding the nuances of fly fishing can lead to more successful catches.

The Right Fly Patterns Make a Difference

Selecting the right fly pattern is crucial in fly fishing for permit. These patterns should mimic the natural movements of crabs and shrimp, enticing the permit to strike. Consistent success in fly fishing for permit comes down to the delivery of the fly, making it a game of skill and precision.

Responsible Handling and Release

When you do land a permit, it’s crucial to handle them responsibly. Whether you’re capturing a quick photo or preparing for release, ensure minimal handling and a quick return to the water to preserve the health and well-being of these magnificent fish.



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